Moving and Handling of Objects

Course Overview

This course is aimed at those who carry out manual handling at work. It introduces candidates to the risks of manual handling and the controls available. The course will also be made specific to your environment and activities.

Who needs this qualification?

This course is specifically targeted at employees who handle materials, boxes, mail and packages, including workers in the Healthcare Sector, industrial workers and office workers.Why is this training important?

This course introduces candidates to the hazards and risks involved in manual handling and outlines what to expect from a manual handling assessment. It will enable employees to contribute to the development of safer manual handling methods and tasks in the workplace.

Learning outcomes.

  • Identify the hazards of manual handling,
  • Identify the risks involved and controls available.
  • Identify what to expect from a manual handling assessment.
  • Understand the principles for controlling manual handling risks and apply these in a practical context.
  • Demonstrate a general understanding of the value and purposes of conducting a manual handling assessment.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the main provisions of the Manual Handling Operations Regulations.

 Course details.

The Course is 3 Hours duration and will be delivered at your own premises or a convenient off site location.

Delegates will receive a Handout Pack and Course Outline for use on the day. Delegates will also receive a Certificate of Attendance within a week of the event. All courses are fully evaluated using our own documentation, but in-house evaluation methods can be used if preferred.

Please contact us for a quote.

Our training courses can be provided though out the UK. 


Advice for Workers and Employers

You need to comply with the risk assessment requirements set out in the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 as well as the requirement in the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (as amended) (MHOR) to carry out a risk assessment on manual handling tasks.



The MHOR Regulations in Brief

The employer’s duty is to avoid Manual Handling as far as reasonably practicable if there is a possibility of injury. If this cannot be done then they must reduce the risk of injury as far as reasonably practicable. If an employee is complaining of discomfort, any changes to work to avoid or reduce manual handling must be monitored to check they are having a positive effect. However, if they are not working satisfactorily, alternatives must be considered.

The regulations set out a hierarchy of measures to reduce the risks of manual handling. These are in regulation 4(1) and as follows:

  • avoid hazardous manual handling operations so far as reasonably practicable;
  • assess any hazardous manual handling operations that cannot be avoided;
  • reduce the risk of injury so far as reasonably practicable.

The guidance on the Manual Handling Regulations includes a risk assessment filter and checklist to help employers assess manual handling tasks. A revised version of the MHOR was published in March 2004. It also includes a checklist to help you assess the risk(s) posed by workplace pushing and pullling activities.

In addition, employees have duties to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions. They must communicate with their employers so that they too are able to meet their health and safety duties.

Employees have general health and safety duties to:

  • follow appropriate systems of work laid down for their safety
  • make proper use of equipment provided for their safety
  • co-operate with their employer on health and safety matters
  • inform the employer if they identify hazardous handling activities
  • take care to ensure that their activities do not put others at risk


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